Thank you

Dear friends,

As our campaign has come to a close, this will be my last blog entry. I want to thank all my supporters and well-wishers in this campaign. I could not have come this far without you. Win or lose, this has been a great grass-roots campaign where I had the opportunity to meet many voters in the community and let them know about my candidacy.

I would highly encourage everyone to continue to be involved in the community; whether it’s in our children’s education, city issues or neighborhood concerns. What I have learnt from this campaign is that if you want to change something, you have to spend your time and energy to create positive change. Talking about change is not enough.

I look forward to working with you to improve our community in the future.

My deepest thanks and gratitude.

Best wishes,


To contact me anytime, I can be reached at this email address: or

The Final Results

JOANNE REINKING                            12,571   21.04
TERESA A. STANLEY                          12,374   20.71
CONRADE C. MAYER                         10,380   17.37
MARILYN MAGGIO                               7,431   12.44
DANIEL CHENG                                   4,803     8.04
DYARL E. ABDO                                   4,332     7.25
KUMAR KALAGARA                           4,141   6.93
GARY T JOHNSON                                3,563    5.96

Kumar Kalagara



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